This past week I have been playing my 360 a ton. Here's how it breaks down.
I got sick of Halo3 for a while so I switched back to Gears of War for a while. Aside from playing through most of the game as Dom (the sidekick in co-op mode), I also have been playing a LOT of Annex on the new maps to try and get the 250 points that were added on for DLC. For a while, I had my guitar hero controller plugged in and was playing against it, though apparently that's cheating and doesn't count towards the achievements.
After a while, I got bored of playing Annex against nobody and switched back to Halo3. Finished my Heroic Co-Op run and found the rest of the Gold Skulls and Terminals. Played a little bit on live, but that part of the game just doesn't interest me as much.
In amongst all this switching back and forth between Gears and Halo, I played some Guitar Hero II, and got the achievement for unlocking all the characters, the last plausible achievement for me. Just when I was ready to put my plastic guitar away though, the demo for GH3 hit the interwebs. From what I can tell from the demo, they didn't really change anything from 2 other than the songs and beefier graphics, which is good, because why mess with a working formula? Anyway, I blasted 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' out on Expert, which means I'm as good at Guitar Hero as these guys are at guitar:

Other than that, I played some Fable and a few random arcade games.
I would like to also point out that while Yaris is free, if you play it for more than 5 minutes, you have overpaid. While I'm down with the concept of free advergames, this one just SUCKS.

My XBL name is ShovelMage. Be friends with me!