One day, I was enjoying a delicious meal in the Costco Food Court on my lunch break, when I hear my phone ring. It's somebody from my work who has an important business related question to ask me. I answer the phone and start to talk to him. I'm sitting at a table, cell phone in one hand, delicious chicken bake in the other when a girl of about nine years seated at the table in front of me turns around and points at me. It is obvious that she has something important to say.
"You need to eat," she screeches at me.
I sit stunned for a second, unsure how to respond. Finally, I say into the phone "Matt, I've gotta go. I'll call you back."
At this point, everyone in the Costco food court was staring at me, including a completely unrelated nine year old girl, who caps off the moment by saying, "Look, mommy, a boy with long hairs."
And that's why I love Costco.
You should have said "You need to eat too" to the little girl that would have been great!
^^^ I would have stared down the little bitch till she turned... or ran away. Thats just freakin hilarious.
This is TOO FUNNY!! I LOVE it!!
(Personally I would've BITCH-Slapped her, though!)
My hubby used to have Long hair down to his ASS! Yeah, once in a while he'd get a comment, but I think the BEST one was from my best friend's 92-year-old Israeli grandmother: It was Thanksgiving & he had his hair pulled back into a ponytail. When he got up to help clear the table & turned around, the little old lady took one look at his long ponytail and said "You have hair like GIRL" -Israeli accent & everything!! She sounded JUST LIKE the Polish lady with the pony on that episode of Seinfeld! I could NOT STOP LAUGHING!!
I LOVE your Jack & Legolas pics to funny! *(Sigh)I LOVE MEN WITH LONG HAIR....
Y'know, this reminds me of the old John Belushi Saturday Night Live Skit...With Beethoven...
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