So, if you check the site often, you may have noticed an alarming lack of updates over the past couple weeks. Matt, I'm sure, is very busy with his first year of college starting and his "computer problems". So he gets a bit of a pass. But what's my excuse?
Well, I did just move, but that's only part of it. I guess finding random images and putting words on them just doesn't hold the same appeal it used to. At the same time, this blog is AWESOME and I don't want to watch it die. So I found a solution: make it topical.
So from now on, there'll be a few things different, and really not all that different from the recent stuff. I'll write a few sentences or so about what's been going on in my life, along with a captioned picture that relates somehow. For example, if I've been watching Prison Break, I'll post a picture of T-Bag's gangly, handless, self saying YNTE. Nothing life changing, just a little bit more of an incentive for me to keep it up by making it a bit more personalized. And I promise it'll be little inane shit like "I played GTA" not emotional shit that nobody cares about like "I cut my wrists becuz im so loneliez". Ug. Nobody want's to read that and it's not funny. Unless my emotional anguish were anorexia and I really did need to eat. That'd be ironic. But I digress.
And hell, I may still throw in a couple random ones of a guy holding a banana that has nothing to do with anything.
I'm not really sure what Matt will do at this point, could be a little bit of anything.
On top of that all, there are a couple other things I want to point out/add/change. First of all, user submissions are not only allowed, they are encouraged! So caption images and send 'em in to weneedtoeat@gmail.com and we'll post them! Unless they suck.
Also I want to start up some sort of podcast and also a semi regular column about the Xbox 360 and how I have no life and use it way too much. More on those as they come to fruit, they are still just ideas.
So in short, some things may be changing, but should still be crazy-go-nuts-fun.
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