So, I've been spending FAR too much time on my 360 recently, which has been distracting me from my goal of writing a nove. Now I'm way behind. Thanks a lot, game developers.
I'm doing pretty good at Guitar Hero 3. I still haven't beaten Lou on Hard, but I'm most of the way through Expert. The achievements are kinda hard to come by unless you're some sort of amazing prodigy with no life and too much free time. Or Matt.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is uber fun, and I'm already at 500 Gamerscore with more to come. I could fairly easily get 1000 on this game.
Carcassonne, a variable tile game for the XBLA is free, but only for today and tomorrow. I downloaded it, played one game, and got 55 points. Not too shabby.
Assassin's Creed is amazing. Not only is it incredibly fun, it's also graphically the best game I have ever seen. It does for the 360 what God of War did for the PS2, makes you think "Hrm, I didn't know the system could do that." I've killed my first of 9 marks, so plenty of game left.
Right now my gamerscore sits squarely at 8888, which I decided was a nice, even number to blog about. I'm also getting close to 10,000 which with the games I have shouldn't be hard to get. I just have to go back to Orange Box and get the '2 Points' achievement so I hit it on the head. Too bad I suck at basketball.