So yeah, I've been busy lately, but I've gotten my gaming time in edgewise. I have lent out Gears of War and teh Haloz to my brother, so right now I have the Orange Box. Quite a lot of achievements on that one, and making it possible to get that sweet 2 points achievement. I also got Guitar Hero 3, but sadly, not for the 360. But if I DID have it, I would totally be gloating about the "Inhuman Achievement", as I have beat Through the Fire and Flames on expert. Yes, it is possible. And if I can borrow GH3 from someone and get a bunch of achievements, I'll be happy. And gloaty. Woot.
I also got some gamer points, so I bought me some Castlevania SOTN, Every Extend Extra Extreme, and Geometry Wars. Look out achievements. Sadly, though, my trial Gold membership will be expiring soon, so I'll have to fork over $50 to get a full one. Yay.

I finally was smart and am using my switch, so I might be able to be on XBL more often. Find me, friend me, challenge me, kill me.... or something to that extent.
EDIT: Remind me not to save as a jpeg next time... fixed with png.
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