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Monday, November 24, 2008

Holy crap, it's here...

If this isn't a sign of the apocalypse, I don't know what is.

What's next? Duke Nukem Forever? There are some things in this world you can count on not being able to count on.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I feel like I just ate Jesus himself.

So I finally decided it was time for me to lose some weight. So I ended up deciding to have one last meal, and to do something I had been wanting to do for some time: make the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich burger. And while I was at it, I decided to blog the event.
Before: the raw materials.
First I fried the bacon.
About this point i realized I didn't have any margarine, and decided to just fry the sandwiches in the bacon grease.
I also realized didn't have a spatula. Pie server it is!
I think I may have defrosted the hamburger patty for too long. This is why I should never cook!
Time for construction!
Apparently 6 slices of bacon was exactly the right amount.
And here we have it: the final product.
And what's a good meal, without side dishes?

And there we have it. And even though I am terrible at cooking, it was the most delicious thing ever.

Monday, November 17, 2008

There is nothing I can remember more satisfying...

...than playing Rock Band 2, and watching The Joker sing Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Matt is - Captain Hammer

I was lazy and didn't upload the only photo I had of my costume for halloween but... it's here now, from my cameraphone, which isn't half bad quality.

Notice the lack of beard.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Driving on the Gods

Evan - "Tom, you should paint your tires gold!"
Tom - "Yeah! then it'd be like I'm driving on the gods!"

Oh and before I forget, the photoshop was done by Evan. If I don't give him credit he'll get angry and his new-found editing super powers will all go to his head.

British kid's name is quite the mouthful

Ahaha food joke. Anyway.

A 19 year old boy from Britain changed his name legally to 'Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined.' Since I'm pretty sure that Evan reads comics involving all of these characters, I'm assuming that this is relevant to this blog.

Although there is that nagging suspicion that he got part of his name from Family Guy... oh well, here's the source. Well, my source anyway. It'll probably lead to another source, and then source after source thereafter, until you find the internet singularity.

Also I hope that you have safe search on when you search for "Family Guy Boat." Just Sayin'.