So I finally decided it was time for me to lose some weight. So I ended up deciding to have one last meal, and to do something I had been wanting to do for some time: make the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich burger. And while I was at it, I decided to blog the event.

Before: the raw materials.

First I fried the bacon.

About this point i realized I didn't have any margarine, and decided to just fry the sandwiches in the bacon grease.

I also realized didn't have a spatula. Pie server it is!

I think I may have defrosted the hamburger patty for too long. This is why I should never cook!

Time for construction!

Apparently 6 slices of bacon was exactly the right amount.

And here we have it: the final product.

And what's a good meal, without side dishes?
And there we have it. And even though I am terrible at cooking, it was the most delicious thing ever.