I just realized that there's no period in "Dr Pepper". So it's not an abbreviation. Therefore it's not pronounced "Doctor Pepper", but rather "Drpepper". Although, with the size of the P, perhaps it's "pdrepper". Who can know?
Anyway, I'm still upset at the folk over at PDrepper for not getting my free PDrepper when Chinese Democracy came out. I failed to submit my stuff both over the internet and over the phone due to the extreme demand. I demand a free soda, or my two hours back.
Anyone reading this at PDrepper, feel free to post either in the comments. I also accept large amounts of cash.
1 comment:
I think we should also make a PSA, exposing the dangers of getting "Your" and "You're" mixed up. Actually it's more like neglecting "you're" when it comes right down to it.
So I hope you're not confusing your "your"s and "you're"s (am I allowed to do that?) or you're going to be trapped in your own little world of your grammatical incompetence, like when English was young in the days of yore...
Holy shit Mr Pibb had the same dysfunction at one point too. Probably when he got old and senile and they had to put him down for a younger, hipper Pibb Xtra. Poor Pmribb...
And don't get me started on omitting E's in your ex's.
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