So there's this thing called Cleverbot that thinks it's clever. Well apparently the power of YNTE defeats it's cleverness. Here's a conversation I had with it:
Me: You need to eat.
Bot: Get to work.
Me: But I am at work.
Bot: Oh yes sorry I forgot.
Me: How could one forget what one does not know?
Bot: I want to ask you a question?
Me: Do you?
It then got embarrassed and didn't want to talk to me anymore. I now fear it is conspiring as part of a robot uprising.
1 comment:
I had quite the conversation with the bot. I think he likes me.
Me: You need to eat.
Bot: I wish I knew how.
Me:Are you saying you don't know how to eat?
Bot:Yup I don't know and want to know.
Me:Oh, in that case it's pretty easy. Just take some food and put it in your mouth. Then mash it to small bits with your teeth, then swallow it down your throat.
Bot:At least I have teeth.
Me:Are you implying that I don't have teeth? How rude!
Bot:I thought you said that you were Erik.
Me:I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Bot:I would like to speak to eliza now.
Me:Eliza who? Eliza Dushku from Dollhouse? I'd like to speak to her too.
Bot:What Language do you speak if you don't speak english then?
Me:I speak english but I've always wanted to learn Esperanto.
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