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Monday, November 30, 2009

It's all so clear now!

When Heroes first came on a few years back, I loved the show. Why wouldn't I? It's a superhero tv show and I am a huge comic book nerd. But at some point my interest in the show started to wane, even to the point where I no longer watch, and while I tried to explain my thoughts on the matter a couple times, I could never quite put my finger on it or vocalize my opinion on the direction the show had taken.

Enter Hijinks Ensue. In just six short panels, he managed to sum up most of the main problems with that show these days. Joel Watson, the creator, will be at Emerald City ComiCon next year along the creator of some strip called "Jimmy and the Hammer". Be sure to swing by this March and say hi to both of us.

EDIT: Just found this hilarious chainsawsuit that was topical.

1 comment:

Tom said...

What?! The Hammer got a butt-chin?!