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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The internet is doomed.

via ReadWriteWeb:
Earlier today, we had a runaway hit of a post that went viral within a few hours, getting unbelievable pageviews and hundreds of retweets and comments.

The trouble was, it wasn't because of the post's content. Due to some interesting SEO magic, the post was one of the first search results for the term "Facebook login." As a result, hundreds of confused readers bombed us with angry comments about how much they hated the "new Facebook," a.k.a. our Facebook Connect comment login.

There are people on the internet who, when attempting to get to facebook, google "facebook login", click on a news result, scroll past the banner and content of another site to get to a comment posting page, and then post angry comments because they think it will take them to facebook.

There are people who actually thought typing "I WANT THE OLD FAFEBOOK BACK THIS SHIT IS WACK!!!!!", "LIKED THE OLD FACEBOOK SING IN.............", or "OK can I long in now", it would take them to facebook. And these same people loudly and repeatedly decried the "new facebook" because they could not even imagine that they were doing something wrong.

These are the people using the internet. These are the people web designers (like myself) need to take into account when designing webpages. I have lost all hope for the internet.

1 comment:

Stevo said...

Wow. I had to stop reading their comments, I feel like I was getting dumber with each one