And yet, in YNTE tradition, nothing is complete until it is in Pizza form. So, in doing a 2 second google image search, I found a festive holiday pizza for you all.

I have a challenge for the other writers of YNTE. Who can make the best thanksgiving leftover pizza? I propose that we all make a pizza by the end of the month using only leftover thanksgiving ingredients as toppings. As it'll be hard to figure out which one tastes the best, the only obvious way to do this is make it look as delectable as possible, and then show a picture of you eating it.
What say you, guys?
This is something I can actually win at.
Best of luck losers.
Sadly all my Turkey Day leftovers were gone before I got the chance to read this post like Evan. It is sad that I have not been able to post on here. I'll figure out something to post in relationship to the holidays soon...
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