And because of this, the final boss, RAAM, is one of the hardest bosses I've ever fought. Not because he has an impenetrable shield, not because there are also enemies firing at you from the sky, not because there are thousands of Kryll in the sky waiting to eat me, and not because my teammate Dom is an idiot that gets himself killed right away... it's because he's a fucking dead-on aim with a gatling gun. And will kill you in under a second. Yet, the only reason I beat this monstrosity is because my AI Teammate, Dom, had to be an idiot and keep getting himself killed. Except on the last time, he died in such a place that RAAM could not come any closer to me. Thus ensuring sweet victory, granted I wasn't out of cover for more than 1 second at a time.
And who the hell came up with exploding Wretches? This game is extremely fun, but I mean come on, why do you have to make something that kills me fast kill me after its dead? (Read: Act 3 sucks ass.)
In either case, this brings Matt up to 500 achievement points in Gears of War. Woot!
Screw Halo, go play some Gears. >_>