So, as you can see, this year is going awesome!
This month, most of my posts were frontloaded on the early half the month, which is fine, because Matt forgot to post until the end. Our collective laziness cancelled out!
Here're the official standings:
Matt: 5 posts, 0 penalty, max take: 50 dollars
Tom: 0 posts, 10 dollars penalty, max take: 30 dollars
Evan: 14 posts, I don't earn money, but the resolution is alive!
Steve!: 1 post, bragging rights over Tom
Tom is losing. Not only is he losing money, but he's losing to Steve, who isn't even a participant. If this were a race, what happened is Tom broke his ankle off the blocks and is laying on the track writhing in pain. Then a crazy fan jumped out of the stands and started running down the tracks. Who will win the race? The injured athlete or the non athlete?
I was excited about the YNTE Movie Night, going into this month. Then there were (hold on, let me count them) zero other participants. Maybe it was a slow month, maybe it was a bad idea. We'll see. I still have hopes for this month. Announcement coming soon!
Here's to March!
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