As you likely already know. I like comic books a lot. Perhaps more than any adult should. As such, I pretty much look the other way at the bizarre superpowers some people have. Mild precognition and the proportionate strength of a spider? Sure. Near unlimited healing factor so powerful it has at one point regrown an entire body (including the adamantium skeleton that had to be surgically added) from a single cell? A bit of a stretch, but these are superhero comics. Bizarre superpowers come with the territory.
But there's a point where it get to be too much, even for me.
I'm refering to Reptil. His superpower is the ability to turn any part of his body into any part of any dinosaur. You may think that he would use this for awesome purposes like turning all of his body into all of a t-rex, or switching his arms for velociraptor arms, his head for a triceratops head, plus a spiked tail and pterodactly wings ALL THE TIME. He does not.
He does not. His most common form is "little kid with raptor arms" which seems terribly impracticle. The only time he really deviates from this is when he puts stegosaurus blades on his feet so he can ice skate. or get tyrannosaurus eyes for good eyesight. I AM NOT KIDDING.
It was okay, because the character had been created for the Super Hero Squad Show, wich is for elementary school kids, so it kind of got a pass. But now Reptil is coming to comic books, in a mainline avengers title. FOR ADULTS.
This reminds me of Axe Cop. But instead of being made for kids and illustrated by adults, it was made BY a kid and illustrated by his brother. And also Axe Cop could kick his ass. And when I say kick his ass I mean chop his head off.
Axe Cop is awesome because it understands that it's silly and goes with it.
Reptil is just stupid.
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