Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Who's Having Emergencies?
For anyone who doesn't know, WSU has a research center that is dedicated to researching bears. Outside of the cages are signs up that have emergency numbers to call. Out of context, most people would probably go "wtf" at this sign. And what if it's a bear attacking a human, then which one do you call? What if you were the one being attacked and you had to stay on the line? What if the bear was the one calling, how would they know how to spell your name?
In any case, I don't know what kind of emergencies bears could get into. It doesn't SEEM like they're in any imminent danger. I mean they just look so happy.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I must obey, as she is the Rule Czar. It's the rules!
This belongs on YNTE:

1) It's a giant, 4000-calorie gummy worm
2) There is no way to eat it without making a penis joke. I mean, just look at it!
3) It is a real product actually available for purchase. YNTE special investigative report?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What is this world coming to?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Who is hungry and a gymnast?
![]() |
Bear |
Monday, October 11, 2010
YNTE has a new writer!
Honestly, the only reason it took me this long to make him an account is because I basically just assumed he had one all along. I mean, seriously, we've been talking about him, have a tag about him, and have pictures of his purple car up. Even though he hasn't been writing for us, he's been a presence on the blog.
Umi is of course famous for the "Umi Joke", wherein he eiher takes something 3 steps beyond its humorous conclusion, or repeats exactly what you said and expects equal laughs. Or perhaps he will start telling a joke and forget the punchline, asking you midjoke what the punchline to his joke is.
It is your responsibility, dear readers, to make fun of him endlessly in the comments if it ever happens here. I know I will!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Who's Driving?
Looks like Google is being Google again. Making cars that drive themselves for some reason. And making possible every automated car personality a reality. Night Rider? Herby the Love Bug? Those Semi-trucks in that one Simpson's episode? All future movie cars that drive themselves? I'm sure there are more but I'm too lazy to research them.
This also opens up a whole new avenue for bear to be driving. How could we NOT let this happen?
YNTE Movie Night: Time to settle this!
Do these movies have complex plots or good acting? Absolutely not. All of them are objectively terrible. But, like so many other films that have been the subject of YNTE Movie Night, they're so bad they're extremely enjoyable.
For years, the reigning champ of the Aquatic Disaster genre was the made for TV "Spring Break Shark Attack". I was searching for a trailer to give you a taste of this cinema classic, but youtube didn't have one. However, somebody did upload the entire movie, and whoever owns the rights to the film didn't care enough to have it pulled, which should be an indicator of how much effort went into this film. Here's part one:
Good stuff, right? I thought no movie could ever be as good as that, and maybe I was right. But 4 films have come to my attention that could be challengers to the throne. They are:
1) Piranha 3d
2) SyFy Channel's Sharktopus
3) The Asylum's Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
4) The Asylum's Mega Piranha
So, between now and the end of the year (or until Piranha 3D comes out on DVD), I will watch all 5 of these films and determine, once and for all determine what the best Aquatic Monster Disaster film of all time is.
But how much fun would it be if I did this by myself? You can help! Simply watch one or more of these movies, write up a review, email it to and I'll post them all up here in the ultimate showdown. A winner will be crowned.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Who is ripping out people's eyes?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Mine goes to 11
I'm doing 24 Hour Comic Book Day tomorrow!
The idea behind the event is twofold. Creating a comic book in a single day to see what deadlines can do for creativity, and having a social appearance for interaction with fans and other creators.
Well, I won’t be making a new comic from scratch. I’ll be working on Jimmy and the Hammer (though I may wander off and work on the Moongazer a bit). And I likely won’t be there for the full 24 hours. But I should be able to do enough that I can get ahead again.
But the second part is what really appealed to me. I will be hanging out all day in the Lets Draw Stuff chatroom at: along with many other talented creators. And the genius of it all is you can come watch us draw, hang out, talk with us all, and have a generally awesomesauce time!
So once again, come hang out with me and watch me create the strip, tomorrow, October 2nd, at ! I’ll be there as much as I am awake for, but I should be there at least from noon to midnight. I’ll also be twittering my experiences throughout the day, so if you can’t make it in person, be sure to follow me on twitter: @jathevan.
See you tomorrow!
Amazon is not allowed to make suggestions on my behalf anymore.

You like Eminem? You'd love Zac Efron! The logic is flawless.
Also, the two of them should form a band called Eminefron.
September Roundup!
At this point I am declaring the gauntlet A SUCCESS. The blog has been doing better than ever, officially having the most posts of any year, and there are still many months to go.
So the question that crops up is this: How will we top it next year?
I've got some ideas, nothing final yet. Here's a few of the things bouncing around my head.
-Upping the number of posts needed per month before a payout. 7? 10? 5.3?
-Adding a per-post payment for mooks like Steve and Tom who don't hit the threshold (not as much as if they had)
-Bringing in more writers (unpaid at first?) Umi? Jason? Rena? Who knows?
-Alternate Revenue Streams (Maybe KFC will sponsor us, or at least send us some sweat pants)
-A podcast?
-More regular (monthly/weekly, etc) posts, like YNTE Movie Night
-Sharing incentives?
That's what I've come up with so far, By the end of the year I should have it all fleshed out into a more solid plan. But I would love your input and ideas! Anything to add? Any ideas seem unreasonable? What do y'all think?