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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Check out my skills of an artist! Part 2!

Some of you may remember my photoshopped Ms. Marvel. Well, I have upped my game with the digital painting. Instead of modifying an existing photo, I started from scratch.

What started as a character design for an upcoming(a long time from now) character for Jimmy and the Hammer turned into a fairly realistic human. So I decided to share my results. What do you think?


Tom said...

Why is her right elbow on the front?

Other than that and the medusa hair she looks pretty digi-hott

Oh and you can't draw hands yet can you? ;)

Matt said...

At first I thought she had a mutated claw hand, kinda like that guy from Prototype, but then I noticed it was just the clothing. In any case, good job.

Evan said...

Yeah... I changed that arm last minute. I'll admit it: I Liefeld'ed it.

I'm still not confident with hands, feet, loose clothing or hair(especially male hair). But it's progress.

Each thing I do is a bit better than the last.

Tom said...

Definitely cool though. Not meaning to cramp your style. In a thumbnail pic I'd be all over that*.

* by all over that I of course mean right click > save