Get it? It's like yelling "RELEASE THE KRAKEN" but with clever wordplay denoting that the movie had a qualitative value rougly equivalent to that of human excrement.
If you still don't get it, I'll explain it later.
Well, I finally saw "Clash of the Titans" (the 1981 version). I had never seen it before, but with the remake on the horizon, I decided to give it a shot.
You see, right now 3d is the hot ticket special effects item. It's so popular that movies are getting made in 3d strictly to showcase this new visual effect without any thought to plot, story, characterization, acting, dialogue, etc. The movies are just one big 3d action orgy with a half baked story and fully baked actors doing the bare minimum to tie together these big budget action scenes. By all accounts, the remake of Clash of the Titans will continue this trend.
However, now that I've seen the original, I feel that in this case at least, it's completely justified; asthe original Clash was nothing but a showcase for the "new" "awesome" special effects with almost no real plot or acting to tie it together. The only problem is the special effects are 30 years old and did not age well at all.
The movie makes the old Japanese Godzilla movies look awesome by comparison. The stop motion effects were groundbreaking so they were used at every possible opportunity, but there were many, many instances where they should not have been. There's a "monster" which is basically just a dude walking on two legs with a tail. A rubber suit would have been MUCH more convincing and probably would have cost less. But, for some reason, they stop motioned it.
Luckily, the bad special effects are incredibly humor prone. It is fun to laugh and imagine a world, not too long ago, when this looked "awesome".
And the "plot"? Hilarious. At one point, Zeus tells another God that she has to give up her animal companion (an owl) to his son Perseus. The God likes her owl so she "tricks" Zeus by building a robot owl (aka: R2-D2 with wings) instead. THIS IS A REAL PLOT POINT.
The movie has a pretty slow start. Most of the "action" sequences are in the second half. But if you keep watching, you are in for some chuckles.
FINAL VERDICT: So Bad It's Good.
Have your own opinion? Send your reviews to evan@jimmyandthehammer.com and I'll post them all in one big meta-review at the end of the month.