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Thursday, September 30, 2010

the Asylum

Anyone who knows bad movies knows about the Asylum. They're a group of filmmakers that make terrible movies with titles similar to other mainstream movies, making old ladies think "Isn't this that new movie that's out? Oh, I'm sure my grandson would love this!" And also providing drinking games for those who get it.

So when I bought Halo Reach a couple weeks ago, Wal-Mart gave me a $20 gift card for free. And right next to the checkout was a bargain movie bin. My brother, having the knack to spot these movies, found 2 double features and 1 triple feature DVDs of Asylum films. Films such as Alien vs. Hunter, War of the Worlds 2, Monster, and 10,000,000 BC. I can't remember all the films we got, but I was disappointed when we didn't find gems such as Transmorphers, The Day the Earth Stopped, and Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.

There are 2 constants about these movies. Firstly, if they don't nuke anything, it's probably not a movie that was sponsored by the Sci-Fi channel. Secondly, if watching these movies turn into drinking games, you become wasted. In any case, stay tuned, as these may be the basis for a future YNTE movie night.

By the way, speaking of terrible movies, George Lucas decided he wants to remake all of the Star Wars movies in 3d. Starting with the Phantom Menace.

1 comment:

Evan said...

Best move the Asylum ever made (though I may have the titles backward):

When Iron Man came out they released a movie called "Metal Man".

When Iron Man 2 came out, they released a movie called "Iron Hero". Which seems to be pretty much par for the course, except that it wasn't a new film. It was Metal Man again, with different box art. They didn't even change the title sequence in the film!