In my quest to find the perfect non-content post with the most content possible, I found the perfect tool. It is a Lipsum (Lorem Ipsum) Generator that is used for filler in backgrounds where you wouldn't really be reading the text, but need something that looks like normally spaced text. So in an effort to make it look like I put a lot of work into this, here's an example:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pretium bibendum risus sit amet eleifend. Praesent fringilla ligula ut leo eleifend et luctus lacus dapibus. Donec at enim enim. Vivamus tempus, enim non faucibus auctor, turpis enim faucibus ante, sit amet consequat nulla sem id enim. Suspendisse ultrices interdum neque, vitae consectetur ipsum rutrum sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque metus felis, porttitor ac tempor non, sodales convallis sapien. Etiam vitae velit vitae turpis auctor laoreet. Vivamus facilisis blandit dictum. Morbi neque elit, tempor a malesuada ac, dignissim nec justo. Maecenas feugiat quam ut nunc dictum mattis."
Isn't that great? It almost looks like I wrote a coherent paragraph, although it's likely completely incoherent and mildly Latin-based.
This also reminds me of the Automatic CS paper generator. Wanna sound smart? Then place your name into this thingy and get a paper written for you already! It's so easy:
"We motivate an interactive tool for emulating information retrieval systems, which we call Tit. On a similar note, the shortcoming of this type of solution, however, is that the seminal wireless algorithm for the simulation of I/O automata runs in Q(n!) time. We emphasize that our algorithm creates the emulation of object-oriented languages. In the opinion of hackers worldwide, the basic tenet of this method is the evaluation of the location-identity split that would make simulating multi-processors a real possibility. Though similar systems investigate mobile archetypes, we answer this quagmire without constructing reliable archetypes."
Look at how smart I sound! Great thing is, I haven't even really written anything in this post at all besides commentary. I have found the ultimate form of lazy.
On the topic of generators and looking like you're talking about something, The Instant Art Critique Generator might also interest you. For example, this is what I think of the picture you posted of the man and his empty bookshelves:
"With regard to the issue of content, the disjunctive perturbation of the spatial relationships spatially undermines the inherent overspecificity."
The "ultimate form of lazy" is writing a 6 paragraph post?
Seems like a lot of effort to put in no effort.
I know right? But you see, I didn't really write most of it.
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