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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Free Comic Book Day was today...

...and you missed it. It was a blast and you all should go next year!

I picked up a bunch of free comics, including Avengers, Wolverine, Simpsons, Clone Wars, and a special 25th Anniversary reprint of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Number 1. I also got some classic Punisher trades, and two Wolverine graphic novels, so now I can read up and see just how inaccurate the movie was.

But the fun part of it for me was dressing up in my Rorschach costume. Picture time!

Myself, Batman and a mini Boba Fett

Some Stormtroopers from the 501st were there to keep out the troublemakers.

Me vs. Batman, who will win? (Hint: totally me.)

Jango Fett and a Clone Trooper were also on hand to keep us safe.

All in all, a fun event as always. Probably the best FCBD yet. Next year, I'll see you there!

You can check out Atomic Comics' website for more pictures. As of this writing, they're not up yet, but they should be soon.

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