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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unofficial YNTE Movie Night: Mystery Team

So earlier I was subjected to this movie. Created by the Youtube group "Derrick Comedy" and given only a NY-area theatrical release, Mystery Team is what would happen if you took a team of 8 year olds solving mysteries... and fast forwarding about 10 years into the future and real world. The result is some out of touch high school seniors still trying to solve mysteries.

I will admit, it was a good movie. But I'm not sure if it's earned that on its own merits, or whether it's so bad it's good. Either way, give it a watch and you decide. I'm sure you'll at least get a kick out of it.

Pdrepper's Twitter page is full of shameless self advertising and bad grammar

This is kinda sad. I thought I'd give our old friend Pdrepper some attention, so I did a Google search for Dr. Pepper. To my dismay, every single article that popped up omitted the obviously necessary but always-omitted period. To further weaken my resolve, I found the twitter page. It's pretty uninspiring.

Now, if you wanna do an advertising campaign on Twitter or YouTube, you've gotta do it right. The only people I've seen really do this right lately is Old Spice. It's probably the most internet-based ad campaign I've ever seen, and likely the most hilarious. They got Isaiah Mustafa to make 200 YouTube videos in 2 days responding to tweets and other things on the internet. In case you haven't seen them, check it.

Back on topic though, I do have some good news! Doing a Google search for Pdrepper results in YNTE being the top website result. Suck it, internet!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Post Number 3! Classic YNTE!

Man I am cutting it close this month. So I will adorn this page with a classic YNTE for old time's sake. And then do 2 posts tomorrow and be ok.

Also the post title rhymed. I thought that was worth some sort of artistic merit.

Okay, this is just awesome.

Remember that news story about a bear driving a car I just posted the other day? Apparently somebody that works at a TV station had the same reaction that I did.

As far as I know, this is a legitimate, non-doctored photo of a real news feed.



Achievement Unlocked: Life, the Universe, and Everything

Been some time since I did an "Achievement Unlocked" post. In fact, I think the last I let you know, my gamerscore was at a measly 12,345.

Well, this month, I passed another important milestone:

I have surpassed 42k.

Not that it's a competition, but Matt still hasn't hit 10k.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So one of the things that has been sucking up a lot of my time lately is a little game called Minecraft. Right now it's still in alpha, but it's still pretty fun to play. The free version has an early build of single and multiplayer, where the object at the moment is pretty much just to build awesome shit. If you guys liked legos as a kid, you'd probably find this to be appealing.

Check it out. It's going to be released into Beta soon, so it is going to be more feature rich soon enough.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I have MANY valid reasons why I haven't been posting this month. And by "reasons" I mean "excuses". And by "valid" I mean "sort of valid". And by "MANY" I mean "a few".

-Jimmy and the Hammer has transitioned from once a week back up to twice a week, which, surprisingly enough, takes more time.
-Gamestop had a "Buy Two, Get One Free" sale, and I got a bunch of games for the 360, including "Dragon Age"
-Additionally, I decided I should play through all the single player missions of Starcraft (though with cheats, to speed things up) so I'm up to date on the story before I eventually pick up the sequel (not on launch day)
-My car died and I had to replace the fuel pump in it (800 dollars)
-I've also been watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm almost at the point where I've seen every episode at least twice.
-You know, work and sleep and stuff.

Are some of those valid? Yes. Are some of them lame cop outs? Also yes. Will it affect my ability to get 5 posts by the end of the month? Not even a little.

Eye on the prize

Well, considering it's been nearly a month since my last posting, and no more poking at Tom for not posting and considering that content, you may have come to the conclusion that I ran out of ideas. Not so!

So I present to you: a list of things $50 could have bought Tom that I might eventually buy instead:
-12.5 boxes of Captain Crunch (25.33 if Dissmores has them for 2 for $3 again)
-50 cans of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni
-a year's supply of Ramen noodles
-5.5556 movie tickets (but only 1.7623423 if you add in the price of popcorn and a drink)
-100 grab bags full of comic books
-Probably a copy of Starcraft II, which comes out tomorrow.

And on that note, first post of the month. Looks like Evan has a bit of catching up to do as well.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poetic Justice

You may remember how I got upset at the Kin for improper grammar in their ads.

Well, ha! Now the Kin is gone forever.

Maybe you shouldn't have had such a stupid ad campaign!

June Roundup

Tom failed. Matt didn't.

Strangely, I had expected Tom to either continue to not post, or to hold onto that two dollars for dear life and do all 5. 0 posts or 5. He fooled us all by doing 1.