What the hell, Microsoft? I realize you didn't use made up words like "funner" or "funnest" or "the most funnerlyierest", but do you not understand how to do a comma-separated list?
Sadly though, this is not the worst advertisement of the day. I heard a radio ad for 7-11 that went something like:
"Do you like TOTALLY AWESOME video games like Mafia Wars or Farmville? No? Well you should like them because they are cool, far cooler than whatever shitty games you like. So shop at 7-11!"
1) Farmville and Mafia Wars suck. Clearly you are not in a position to be chastizing MY taste in video games.
2) What the fuck do they have to do with 7-11?
But assuming 7-11 wants to continue an ad campaign of blatant peer pressure, I've developed a much better ad campaign for them. If any 7-11 ad execs read this blog, FEEL FREE TO USE THIS CAMPAIGN FOR FREE. It's on the house.
"Hi kids? Do you like the TOTALLY AWESOME act of stabbing yourself repeatedly in the eye with a beef jerky stick? No? You are probably a wierd lamer with no friends who probably isn't even cool enough to stab yourself in the eye with salted meat. But if you're a cool kid who doesn't value dorky things like being able to see properly, then be sure to go with the eye stabbing; and where better to get beef jerky to slam in your own face? 7-11."
This ad would be much more topical. You're welcome.
I'd like to point out something here Evan:
"Hi kids? Do you like the TOTALLY AWESOME act of stabbing yourself repeatedly in the eye with a beef jerky stick? No? You are probably a wierd lamer with no friends who probably isn't even cool enough to stab yourself in the eye with salted meat. But if you're a cool kid who doesn't value dorky things like being able to see properly, then be sure to go with the eye stabbing; and where better to get beef jerky to slam in your own face? 7-11."
And you're poking fun at Microsoft for comma, separated, lists?
Microsoft still sucks though.
On a related note, am I the only one who miscounts things because I start counting at zero?
God damn it.
You know how the saying goes. I before E, except, you know, when it isn't and you'll get made fun of publicly.
And if you're counting from zero, it just means you're a real programmer now.
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